Wednesday, 9 October 2013

With continuous processes and collaboration to DevOps

If we already have focus on being agile, doing continuous integration and keeping the quality of our SW constantly on a good level, next step to look into is the distribution of the SW. When working with embedded systems, deployments of new SW are usually done rarely and frequent deployments are not possible in practice as the access to the devices might be difficult and frequent updates are annoying and even risky for the users (e.g. mobile phones), or the update process complex and uptime requirements very high (e.g. core network servers). However, there are other areas where frequent updates could be possible and even desirable, like getting bug fixes and new features deployed rapidly to an application in the cloud.

What is required to make deployments frequent, is a good co-operation between the team doing the development, the team verifying the content and the team deploying and maintaining the services, i.e. handling operations. This is called DevOps.

The foundation for functional DevOps is continuous development process, meaning that high-quality changes to SW are rapidly included to releases. This requires that:
  • Changes are small
  • SW builds are fast
  • Submission gate is fast and well-focused

Fast feedback on the changes encourage developers to continue delivering small changes, and filtering the bad changes out is done fluently. Developers shouldn't be afraid of sending bad changes occasionally, because too much verification on the developer's table slows down the sharing of the good changes. Automated submission gate should take care of checking out the changes, with testing covering key features that are often broken and/or widely used, and analysis that quickly provides good coverage on common issues.

After the collecting of changes is running fluently, next focus area is the creation of releases, which should be documented well and automated as much as possible. Goal should be to have at least one new release every day, to be used as the baseline for further development at minimum.

With all this we have a fluent process for the development. When we start to focus on DevOps, we need to take also care of the needs of the operations team. First thing that operations team expects is high quality of the SW release. While primary aim of the development process is to do superficial testing to ensure that the release is basically ok, that kind of testing is not good enough for keeping the SW in good shape in the long run. We need deep testing done by the verification team, a proper quality assurance. Full verification is not suitable for a fast-paced development process, but the verification process needs to be served as the primary customer for the development. Verification may take days or even weeks, but it will provide important insight on possible problems to the development team, which should fix any upcoming issues promptly, in order to keep the provided insight meaningful also in later verification cycles.

Besides verification, operations team will expect a fluent process for deployments and updates. For that development team needs to pay attention how to create a system which can be deployed and updated easily, and consultation with operations team is very valuable. It is also very important that development and verification teams in testing use replicas of the final production environment, or at least close copies of it. Proper configuration management of the environments will be crucial.

DevOps as a term and practice has been popular for a few years, but I believe that majority of the organizations that could benefit from that are still struggling in transformation from waterfall to agile development and continuous integration. Those that are successful in renewing their processes and keeping  those in good shape, have better capabilities for making their business successful.

For further reading on DevOps, wikipedia page is a good place to start from.

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