Friday, 6 September 2013

Version numbering means trouble for continuous integration

In continuous integration (CI), the aim is to push new changes quickly to the SW stack, pre- and postevaluate the changes through analysis and testing, making each of the changes a release candidate. For a release, we would need some simple identifiers. The most typical identifier is a version number. However, in CI incrementing version number can be painful, especially if it is defined compile-time.

First, let's look at the reasons why we need releases. Ultimately, a release is needed to deliver the SW to customer. However, releasing is beneficial also for internal purposes:

  • Release points out a baseline on which next changes are built on. This is important if testing in the CI process is not happening promptly and we want to avoid the situation that developers are using a bad candidate as a base for their changes.
  • Release simplifies the build configuration, in the form of baseline.
  • Release points out our latest and greatest SW to stakeholders outside SW development, e.g. verification.

Typical identifiers used for a release are:

  • baseline (label)
  • some identifier for the candidate
  • version number

Baseline identification is defined when the baseline is created, and can be thus freely selected based on scheme we have defined for the purpose. The scheme should be simple using a short body and a running number. Candidate will get its identifier when it's submitted, also based on a predefined scheme which should be simple.

But version number is difficult in case it is defined compile-time, i.e. when the candidate is submitted, and we would need to know already then what version number is allocated. Knowing it at that time would be difficult if release frequently (daily) and can't be sure which content ends up in the previous release.

If we redefine it when baseline is created, we need to recompile the SW and test it again, taking a lot of time if we have an extensive set of compilations and tests for baseline selection. Without testing we'll have a risk that something gets broken. Sometimes there's an alternative to hack the version number in the binaries and thus avoid recompilation, but the risk that the SW gets broken is still there.

Ok, so could we then make a meaningful selection for the version number already when the candidate is built? Yes we can, at least sometimes or even most of the time, but not always. And every time we have wrong version number, our CI process gets into trouble and SW distribution delayed. Version numbering should enter the game only when we are getting near the time that a release will be provided also to customer.

Best alternatives would be to have a version numbering which is not done compile-time but later, or meaningful identifiers for the candidates. The latter would mean a completely new SW philosophy for any mature organization that has been using version numbering as the primary means of identification for years, and the resistance will be furious by some people. However, open-minded developers familiar with agile ways of working will understand that by avoiding compile-time version numbering we'll keep our CI process fluent.

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